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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Bethany’s sweet girl

I went to high school with Bethany and she was one of my dearest friends growing up.  It was such a joy when she called and asked if I could take pictures of  her 2 year old little girl.  We got together very early one morning this fall to catch the beautiful morning light. Her […]

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Sarah Catherine + Eric

It was so fun to be able to spend some time with this family.  SC and I traveled all over Europe for 3 weeks post college and she was in my wedding.  They do not live in town, but come to town a couple times a year.  So happy I got to hang out this […]

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Rod + Shana

  I had so much fun with Rod and Shana and their sweet family!  We have known them for many years and it was a joy to run around their backyard and chase their kids around.  If you want some fun board games, check out Rod’s website:  

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Hello world!

Welcome to my blog site!  I am happy you are here and want to share with you some of what I have been up to this Fall.  I have finished a few Photoshop courses this year at a local college.  That took up much of my time, but I did have time to capture some […]

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