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Sarah Catherine and Eric | Nashville Family Photographer

I love photographing families.  It is especially sweet when it is a family I have watched grow over the years.  Even though these dear friends live in Chicago, I still get to capture moments when they come to Nashville to visit family.  I was even more overjoyed to hear on this visit that their family is about to grow by one more!  It was quite the adventure to run around in the field and stomp in the creek with these fun kids.  I loved it all.  I could have played all day with this sweet crew.

These next 3 are all the sweetness of this age.  Their joy makes me so happy.

So sweet to watch my dear friend comfort her son.

I am so glad I captured S.C.’s laugh.

I try to encourage clients to bring an item that is dear to little ones.  I love that she brought along this baby.  I love this stage.  So much.